BNSF employees are saving hope for dogs in need
Married couple and BNSF employees Stephanie and Jered Hedrick have a case of puppy love, and it’s not just infatuation with each other. Over and over again they have given their time and opened their home to help dogs in need.
The couple are volunteers at Saving Hope Animal Rescue, a Fort Worth, Texas – based non-profit organization that rescues, rehabilitates and finds loving homes for abandoned, neglected and abused domestic animals. The organization also focuses on educating the public and has successfully rescued and facilitated the adoption of more than 5,000 dogs and cats.

“Saving Hope Rescue is always in need of fosters and funding help,” Jered Hedrick said. “Since the pandemic, they have been extremely overwhelmed with intake animals and costs, as are city shelters and all rescues.”

Saving Hope Animal Rescue provides care for homeless animals until they find their forever homes. Stephanie, a revenue management analyst, and Jered, manager workforce and crew operations, have fostered 12 dogs in two years, and have also adopted three!
“We spoil and love, not only our own dogs, but each dog we bring in,” Stephanie Hedrick said.
“We are honored to be able to open our home to dogs in need and to help make these animals see that there are people who love them and provide a safe home for them,” Jered Hedrick added.

In addition to fostering, they have helped arrange adoptions in their local neighborhood, transported dogs within the DFW area, transported emergency medical cases from the animal shelter to the vet, and even arranged transport of dogs across the country.
Thanks to folks like the Hedricks for volunteering their time and energy to care for animals.

Find out more about Saving Hope Animal Rescue at